Hopkinton Democratic Town Committee members keep busy throughout the year, every year in order to foster and sustain an active and informed electorate, encourage citizen participation in local government, advocate for diversity and inclusion, and give back to the community.
- Hopkinton 101: Every year we sponsor a table or booth at this important educational and networking event. Sponsored by the Hopkinton Public Library, the event showcases the parts of our town government and civic organizations so that newcomers and townies alike can learn and engage.
- PolyArts: We sponsor a booth annually at this large outdoor arts event. We offer coloring projects and colorful frames so that kids can take home some of their own art. In the meantime, high schoolers and adults have the opportunity to test their knowledge by taking a mock citizenship exam.
- Hopkinton Pride: We have participated in Hopkinton Pride every year since its inception, walking with our “Blue loves all colors” rainbow banner.
- Comedy shows: We have partnered twice with the Holliston and Ashland Democratic Town Committees to bring political comedian Jimmy Tingle to our area. We are planning additional community events for the future.

- Project Just Because: We collect new, warm woolens every year at our holiday party, and in 2023 we sponsored a clothing drive.
- Hopkinton Public Library: In 2024 we pledged to make a donation toward the purchase of a collection of new books on the topic of anti-racism.
And finally. . .
- Newsletter: We publish a newsletter once a month (except when we don’t) with local events, announcements, and a legislative watch. Sign up
- Elections: Every year we work hard to encourage people to step up and serve their community by applying for a position on a town board or committee, or by running for local office. We believe that Hopkinton voters want be informed about their choices and want to have a say in how they are represented. Therefore we encourage candidates to get their names, qualifications, and vision out into the community and onto the ballot.