Janine LeBlanc

Commissioner of Trust Funds 2018-21 HDTC Associate Member
Address 3 Scarlata Rd Hopkinton MA 01748
Photo of Janine LeBlanc

Candidate Statement

Hello, my name is Janine LeBlanc and I am running for Commissioner of Trust Funds.

The Commissioners of Trust Funds manages 5 trusts that were generously provided to the Town of Hopkinton for various betterment and beautification purposes.

As a lifelong resident of the area, the past 8 years of which have been in Hopkinton, I am excited for the opportunity to give back to my community.  As a finance professional, I have needed to act in a fiduciary capacity, ensuring that expenditures are in accordance with approved policy, and ethically sound.  I feel that I can most effectively contribute to the town in a financial capacity, starting with the oversight and management required by these Commissioners.

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