For the past four years, I’ve had the pleasure of working with Shahidul Mannan
through my work on the Select Board and his work on the Appropriations
Committee. Through this work, I’ve come to appreciate his dedication to the Town
and to respect his insight, particularly when we develop our budgets. Leadership is
critical in the role of Select Board member, as is the ability to listen to the needs of
our constituents. Shahidul has both.

His work for the Town is not limited to his seven year tenure on the Appropriations
Committee; he has also served on the Planning Board, Growth Study Committee, and
Community Preservation Committee. His MBA in Finance has been invaluable.
Shahidul’s experience, expertise, ability to listen and problem solve, and dedication
to the Town make him a valuable asset for Hopkinton. I’m proud to endorse
Shahidul Mannan for Select Board.

Irfan Nasrullah
211 Winter St

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