I am so thrilled to support Shahidul Mannan for Select Board. Shahidul is bright, experienced, collegial, and has the municipal finance know how we need on the Select Board. It has been my pleasure to know and serve with Shahidul; we worked together on the Growth Study Committee strategizing to both understand and manage the growth we continue to experience in Hopkinton, and I am thrilled he has decided to run for Select Board. We need his voice on the Board.

I am thrilled to be supporting Mary Jo Lafreniere and Shahidul Mannan this year for the Select Board because they both bring the financial know how we need on the Select Board; Mary Jo brings her experience both from serving on the Hopkinton Board of Assessors and as a professional assessor for Plainview before retiring a few years ago. I can’t wait to spend every other Tuesday nights with them in our SB meetings! They both have deep commitment, unwavering integrity, thoughtful decision making styles, and the financial experience we really need.

Please join me in voting for Shahidul and Mary Jo on May 16th at the Hopkinton Middle School.

Muriel Kirkland Kramer
Hopkinton Select Board Member

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