Amy, it’s been a distinct pleasure getting to know you over recent years. Your extraordinary community service and leadership here in Hopkinton, combined with razor sharp intelligence, depth and breadth of knowledge of the Hopkinton landscape and how it “works”, and the lovely way you relate and interact with everyone all the time, has made me a fan for years. RHH recognized you at the annual HCA Shopping for a Cause a couple years ago as a Community Rock Star. We were right then and we are right now.

As much or more than any other reason I support you in this election is because I believe you share my values and therefore I trust your judgement. Many argue the political party the voting record or certain affiliations of local candidates should not matter. I disagree. Given the times we’re in, it matters very much to me. It’s time to hit the refresh button!

Thank you for all that you do Amy Burns Ritterbusch and all that you are. Without a doubt you have my vote for Select Board.

Best always
Patricia Duarte

Patricia Duarte & Amy Ritterbusch

Patricia Duarte & Amy Ritterbusch

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