Vote Monday, May 20, 2019 @ 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM
at the Middle School Brown Gym, 88 Hayden Rowe St, Hopkinton MA 01748
Candidate Statement
My name is Mary Jo LaFreniere and I am running for re-election to the Select Board.
In Hopkinton, we face many challenges as we struggle to accommodate our town’s growth. That’s why I believe that a strong financial and municipal background is so important for a Select Board candidate. In addition to serving on the Select Board, I served for many years on the Board of Assessors. I am a former Massachusetts Accredited Assessor and have served as a professional assessor for the towns of Holliston and Plainville. Here in Hopkinton, I have served as a Commissioner of Trust Funds and on the Tax Relief Committee. I have also had the opportunity to advocate for the town through my service on the Marathon Committee. At the State level, I was District Director for Senator David Magnani.
As a Select Board member, I have been honored to serve as liaison to the Board of Health, Parks & Recreation, Board of Assessors, Sustainable Green Committee, Cemetery Commission, Council on Aging, Tax Relief Committee, and Marathon Committee. As liaison to the MetroWest Regional Transit Authority, I was delighted to help bring a wheelchair accessible bus route to the Hopkinton Senior Center.
If reelected I will focus on:
- Successfully completing the Downtown Corridor Project and attracting new business to the downtown area
- Continuing to attract business and industry to South Street and other commercial areas
- Keeping our school rankings high amidst the challenges of a pandemic
- Preserving Hopkinton’s natural resources with a special focus on climate action
- Encouraging the use of our unique open spaces
- Promoting the wonderful programs and resources at the Senior Center
- Helping us to return to a full Marathon each spring!
Our family moved to Hopkinton when our boys were three years old and three months old. Over the years I came to love our friendly town with its strong school system and beautiful natural environment. Now as the town grows, I hope to continue to serve all of our residents, old and new alike, and foster a sense of community so that we can all share the same wonderful Hopkinton experience that my family and I have enjoyed.
I respectfully ask for your vote on Monday, May 16, 2022.
Candidate Statement
Building Hopkinton’s Future—Together
I’m Shahidul Mannan, honored to seek re-election to the Hopkinton Select Board. As your Select Board member for the past 3 years, I have worked tirelessly to ensure smart growth, financial stability, and a thriving community
Experience & Leadership
With over a decade in town governance, my experience includes serving on the Planning Board, Growth Study, Community Preservation, and Appropriation Committee. With an engineering degree, an MBA in finance, and 20+ years of executive leadership in technology and AI, I bring data-driven decision-making to complex challenges.
Key Advocacies
Water & Infrastructure: Led and advocated for the creation of a PFAS Committee to accelerate remediation efforts and establish a Water & Sewer Commission, which has recently begun its work.
Economic Development: Initiated Hopkinton’s first Economic Development hire and am now working to establish an Economic Development Office to drive revenue growth and ease tax burdens.
Support for Seniors: Advocated for expanded senior tax credits and services, with a commitment to advancing further initiatives.
Fiscal Responsibility: Provided strategic guidance to maintain balanced budgets while safeguarding essential town services.
Education & Schools: Championed the new elementary school project, served on the ESBC, and continuously supported Hopkinton’s top-tier school system.
Vision for future
I am seeking re-election to the Hopkinton Select Board to continue fostering a fiscally responsible, sustainable, and inclusive future for our town. While we have made progress in education, infrastructure, economic growth, and public safety, our work is not finished. There is still much to do to ensure everyone can thrive.
Looking ahead, we must shape Hopkinton’s future strategically—enhancing financial stability, sustainable growth, and key services to support our diverse and growing population.
I believe in One Hopkinton—a community built on collaboration, respect, and progress. I ask for your vote on May 19 to keep Hopkinton vibrant, strong, and future-ready.
Shahidul Mannan
Candidate for Re-Election, Hopkinton Select Board
Candidate Statement
I’m Ellen Rutter. I’m running for Hopkinton Town Moderator. As your Moderator, I’ll bring a fresh perspective to Town Meeting. Moderator responsibilities include making sure that the Meeting is run according to our laws and Town Charter.
Hopkinton residents make key decisions at Town Meeting — including ratifying our annual ~$100M budget. It is an important forum for residents, committees and employees to help govern Hopkinton!
At Town Meeting in May 2018, I was the Deputy Town Moderator and in February 2019 I served as Acting Town Moderator for our Special Town Meeting. I’ve gotten good feedback on my approach at both meetings.
Throughout my career in marketing, meeting facilitation has been one of my primary responsibilities. In my current job, I facilitate complex meetings for a pharma company. I’ve been regularly recognized for effectively engaging all stakeholders, navigating complex discussions and getting to fair outcomes efficiently. I’m excited to bringing my experience and skills to the Town Moderator role.
I’ve raised my two kids in Hopkinton, where since 2000 we’ve appreciated the fabulous education our schools offer and enjoyed many town programs. My community engagement has included volunteering on my neighborhood board, serving on the board at my church and participating in local politics.
As Hopkinton grows, we need to ensure that all Hopkinton voices are heard. We need to manage our meetings effectively and efficiently. We need to keep Hopkinton moving forward.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and support on May 16, 2022.
Candidate Statement
Hi. I’m Sue Kurys and I’m running for re-election to the Commissioners of Trust Funds. The Commissioners oversee the disbursement of funds from Trusts bequeathed to the Town. Their principal duty is to ensure that the funds are used in accordance with the wishes of Hopkinton’s generous benefactors.
In addition to my experience from serving as a Commissioner over the last three years, my other service to the Town and community makes me well-qualified for this role. I am Chair of the Hopkinton Senior and Disabled Tax Relief. My service on local nonprofit boards has always been about ensuring donations and grants are used to further each organization’s mission.
I’ve held leadership roles in strategic planning, marketing and finance throughout my business career. My education includes an MBA from Stanford with a certificate in Public and Nonprofit Management and additional coursework in fundraising and philanthropy at BU.
I’ve lived in Hopkinton for over 20 years. The Trusts overseen by the Commissioners embody core values of Hopkinton’s past, present and future – education, community and the beauty of our Town. It would be an honor to oversee the use of these funds for the benefit of all residents. I respectfully ask for your vote for Commissioner of Trust Funds on May 16, 2022.
Candidate Statement
My name is Patrick Atwell and I am running for the three-year term for Constable.
I have been a resident of Hopkinton since 2012. My wife and I really enjoy the small town charm and the wonderful school system that Hopkinton has to offer for our kids. Because of this, I wanted to give back to the community and decided to volunteer and be active throughout the town. I currently serve on the Veteran’s Celebration Committee and have served on the Planning Board.
Professionally I am a Business Agent / Contract Negotiator for SEIU 888. I received my Juris Doctorate from Massachusetts School of Law and Bachelor of Science from Northeastern University, and I am also a certified Negotiator / Mediator. With my work experience combined with my education in understanding and applying the law, I would make a great addition to the town as Constable.
If elected, I will become a member of the Massachusetts Bay Constable Association (MBCA). The MBCA is a valuable resource for becoming a better Constable through training and networking with other constables throughout the state. I will also be bonded through MBCA.
Thank you for your consideration. I respectfully ask for your vote on June 29.
Candidate Statement
Hi, my name is Susan Porter, and I am running for reelection to the Hopkinton Public Library Board of Trustees. I would appreciate your consideration. My 12 years on the Board have encompassed the planning, financing and construction of our new library, and I’m excited to see the evolution and to help implement all that the town wishes us to be.
After 10 years of being the Chairperson for the Board, I finally left that position, but still intend to offer all that I can to the Board of Trustees and the library.
I am also excited to be involved in the evolution of library offering, including increased e-books and audio offerings, 3D printer, multicultural offerings, conversation circles for ESL, memory cafes, and our “library of things”. The public library is truly the only facility that is open to all ages and is totally free of charge!
Because of the financial and personnel changes to the library and the town, I feel that the Board of Trustees needs to maintain consistency and assist our director, Nanci Hill and the Board look forward to working with her to bring out the best in our library.
I have lived in Hopkinton for 46 years. My husband Michael and I raised our daughter Alexis here, and she now lives in town with her family.
I have always been passionate about libraries. Growing up in Natick, the library was my comfort zone. I was always in awe of all it had to offer. My daughter is as strong a believer in the value of our public library as I am.
Now that legacy of love for books and the library has been passed down to my granddaughters, one of whom has been a library substitute during college breaks. I would like to give back by continuing as a trustee.
I am a graduate of Boston University and worked as a Surgical Intensive Care Nurse at various area hospitals. I retired several years ago from my position as a Health Care Consultant.
I would appreciate your vote in the Town of Hopkinton Annual Election this May.
Thank you,
Susan E. Porter