Ellen Rutter

Town Moderator 2022-25 HDTC Full Member
Candidate Address 24 Forest Lane Hopkinton MA 01748 Candidate Statement: Candidate Statement Donate: Donate to Ellen’s Campaign
Photo of Ellen Rutter

Candidate Statement

I’m Ellen Rutter. I’m running for Hopkinton Town Moderator. As your Moderator, I’ll bring a fresh perspective to Town Meeting. Moderator responsibilities include making sure that the Meeting is run according to our laws and Town Charter.

Hopkinton residents make key decisions at Town Meeting — including ratifying our annual ~$100M budget. It is an important forum for residents, committees and employees to help govern Hopkinton!

At Town Meeting in May 2018, I was the Deputy Town Moderator and in February 2019 I served as Acting Town Moderator for our Special Town Meeting. I’ve gotten good feedback on my approach at both meetings.

Throughout my career in marketing, meeting facilitation has been one of my primary responsibilities. In my current job, I facilitate complex meetings for a pharma company. I’ve been regularly recognized for effectively engaging all stakeholders, navigating complex discussions and getting to fair outcomes efficiently. I’m excited to bringing my experience and skills to the Town Moderator role.
I’ve raised my two kids in Hopkinton, where since 2000 we’ve appreciated the fabulous education our schools offer and enjoyed many town programs. My community engagement has included volunteering on my neighborhood board, serving on the board at my church and participating in local politics.
As Hopkinton grows, we need to ensure that all Hopkinton voices are heard. We need to manage our meetings effectively and efficiently. We need to keep Hopkinton moving forward.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and support on May 16, 2022.

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