Jamie Wronka

Candidate for School Committee HDTC Associate Member
Candidate Address 6 Blackthorne Circle Hopkinton MA 01748 Committee Address Committee to Elect Jamie Wronka c/o Janine LeBlanc 3 Scarlata Rd Hopkinton MA 01748 Candidate Phone: 774-325-8721 Committee Phone: 508-410-7519 Candidate Statement: Candidate Statement
Photo of Jamie Wronka

Candidate Statement

My name is Jamie Wronka. I am running for the Hopkinton School Committee. Like many families, my husband and I moved to Hopkinton in 2012 for the excellent school district. Maintaining the integrity and quality of our schools while balancing the importance of fiscal responsibility is a vital challenge that affects all residents of Hopkinton.

I have been an occupational therapist for nearly 20 years. In 2022 I moved from clinical care into a visiting professor role at Worcester State University. My experience and skills developed in clinical and educator settings are essential for a school committee member.

My passion that inspired me to run for School Committee has been ignited over the past year as Vice Chair of the Special Education Parent Advisory Council. One of my children receives support via an IEP. I walk in the shoes of a special education parent, who works full time and has two other children (and two dogs). I hope to empower every student and every family to thrive within the public education guaranteed to every child in our country. I know the challenges all families face navigating our systems – and the importance of strong policies, close and thoughtful budget decisions, and supervision of the leader of our schools are inarguably vital as we navigate this period of tremendous population growth in town.

I have over a decade of service to the town of Hopkinton, serving on committees since 2013 (Conservation Commission, Trail Coordination and Management Committee, and Upper Charles Trail Committee). I have also been an active volunteer with the Hopkinton Mom’s Group, which I encourage young families to consider joining as a support system, and the Hopkinton Parent Teacher Organization – I currently serve as VP of Membership and co-VP at Elmwood School. I understand the time commitment serving on School Committee requires. I was one of the organizers supporting the Yes vote for the Elmwood School replacement and volunteered to babysit children in the Middle School Library during that special town meeting (thank you to everyone who came out!).

I have a deeply vested interest in public education. I attended public schools from first grade through graduate school. My mother was a public elementary school nurse. Growing up in NJ, my school was very diverse and my education experience was richer for it. I am thrilled to see increasing diversity in Hopkinton, giving my children and the whole community a better lens through which to view the world.

My campaign is rooted in my desire to continue to serve Hopkinton. It is rooted in my experience as a professional and as a parent of three young children.

I ask for your support on May 20th, 2024. Together, we will address the challenges facing our schools. We will work towards our future Hopkinton where every student thrives.

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